
Individual Consultations
Vaishnavas CARE provides ongoing one-on-one communication via Zoom and emails, with individual and/or family conferences when needed. We offer advice and emotional/spiritual support from our trained and professional Vaishnavas CARE volunteers, including our licensed nurses, physicians, pastors, and grief counselors. See our Helpful Contacts
Grief Counselling
We have certified Grief Counselors who provide personal and individual care, guidance and support for grieving Vaishnavas.

Local V-Care Teams
Preparing for one’s imminent death is a crucial time for the terminally ill patient. We have local teams around the world where devotee volunteers are trained to provide a supportive environment for those in need. Volunteers are taught to address the physical decline of the hospice patient along with the emotional upheaval that may arise from one’s imminent departure. In addition, volunteers can address any “anticipatory grief” issues of the family members prior to their loved ones death. Our volunteers also offer practical, emotional, spiritual support for those in need.
Grief Support
We have a Grief Support Group on Facebook It is a private, confidential support group designed to help you connect with other worshipers of Lord Krishna from around the world. Members aim to gain strength through both the giving and receiving of care between each other. This group is facilitated by certified grief counselors. There is no need to grieve alone!. We also have a Spanish Facebook Group.

We are excited to announce that we will soon be launching a comprehensive online "Resource Library" which will provide you with valuable articles, documents, videos, FAQs and more. Topics which will be covered will include:
introduction to medications
end of life symptoms and their management
pain management
typical end of life diseases
planning/living wills/ power of attorney
patient comfort at end of life
cremation & funeral rites
alternative medicine
chronic pain
self care, caregiving and more!
Stay tuned as hope to launch this online library soon!

"Art of Caring for Vaishnavas" Official Course
The main tool we offer when it comes to education is our official course entitled "The Art of Caring for Vaishnavas". There are two ways to take the course: (1) attend a live seminar in person or virtually, or (2) complete the self-study course online. Register for the self-study course by clicking here!
Deep Dive Educational Opportunities
In late-2024, we will also be launching smaller "short-form" educational webinars, courses and videos. With "deep dives" on specific topics, these short form educational opportunities will be a great way to either build up towards taking, or compliment the knowledge from "The Art of Caring for Vaishnavas" course.